You’ve decided on a menu that includes plenty of Valentine’s Day themed snacks, the decorations are up but is that really everything you need? What’s really the point of celebrating love, if you’re not recording every single second with your significant others and loved ones? What you need is a Valentine’s Day photo booth.
Imagine having this one place where you and your guests can get together and make memories to look back fondly. Valentine’s Day is a time when people fall in love, where they find new love interests, and who knows… Maybe someone decides to tie the knot because you brought them together. Why shouldn’t you make sure that there are plenty of opportunities for them to record that beautiful occasion?
Now you can’t just have an ordinary photo booth around to take pictures in what is this? Some run of the mill carnival? That’s cute, but that’s not cute enough. You need to design a booth that truly captures the spirit of the occasion. Here are some ideas that you can use to decorate Valentine’s Day photo booth.
1. Use Red Tinsel
It’s not for nothing that people ask each other to paint the town red when they’re in love. Red is the color of passion—determined and honest—it’s also the official color of Valentine’s Day. Put up red tinsel on your photo booths for all the love birds and your guests to stand in front of. It’s a pretty simple fix because you can find red tinsel anywhere you like, and it’s not even going to cost you a lot.
2. Add a Glittering Red Wall
Make your photo booth pop with a glittering red wall that serves as the background of all the photos. This way, the booth becomes impossible to ignore, and people will flock to it in droves to immortalize those moments they spend with their loved ones on the day of love.
3. Love Emojis
For better or for worse, we don’t live in a time where lovers used to wax rhetoric and recite poetry to one another as an expression of their love. Now we express our affection through love emojis sent over texts or emails—simple, yet effective. Also, had Romeo and Juliet been given the same option, they’d have done the same thing. You could DIY and add some love emojis that people could take pictures with—it’ll be cute and spunky.
Can’t decide which photo booth to go for? We can help! At The Selfie Photo Booth, we have all kinds of affordable photo booth rental for your event in Florida. Contact us at 844-427-POSE for more information on affordable photo booth rental West Palm Beach.